Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time Travel Dream

Last night I dreamed that I traveled back 20 years. I saw my parents, extended family, and dog Buppy. I said hello to everyone, even gave my cousin Sean some advice for the future ("Don't knock up that girl.") The most memorable part of the dream was seeing my Aunt Bonita. She died unexpectedly about 10 years ago. In my dream, she gave me a big hug and I remember she was very tall. Taller than me as an adult as she was when I was a child (the last time I saw her).

Aunt Bonita gave me a big hug and said, "I know that I will die without getting to say goodbye. Please know that I love you and your sister very much. Please tell her this."

The dream went on but when I woke up, I felt the message from my aunt was very important. I texted my sister shortly after I woke up and let her know.

I felt that this dream was very important and I know the details will slip away as the day goes on. This is my way of preserving something that I feel is very important.

I'm not sure what I think happens after death or anything supernatural... but I felt this dream was more than just a dream... I'm not one to think or dream about time travel often. Did I eat something weird before bed? Did I hear something that inspired my mind to come up with this? Or was there something more that my feeble brain can't wrap around.

I'll never know.

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